15-30 Minutes








Swelling, bruising


From £250


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Subcision is a technique used by doctors to detether adhesions attached to deeper subcutaneous tissue that can create the appearance of an atrophic scar ie) acne scars and chickenpox scars. Once the upper layers of the skin are tethered to the deeper structures, it creates a depression on the sin surface and the only way to improve this is to release it from underneath. Other options such as microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling with the Secret RF or ablative lasers such as the Sciton Contour TRL, ProFractional or the hybrid HALO laser can also be used however, lifting the adhesions directly from underneath

This is done using a blunt tip, large gauge firm cannula often under local anaesthetic. It is moved back and forth under the dermis to cut the bands of scar tissue and release the overlying skin which in turn will lift and improve the appearance of the depressed areas on the skin surface. Filler or collagen stimulators such as Sculptra, Radiesse, Ellanse or Hyaluronic Acid based fillers may be used at the same time, if dictated by the doctor in the initial treatment plan.


You will begin with a consultation, facial analysis and evaluation of your medical history and personal expectations by our doctor. A treatment plan will be created for you in advance. Baseline photos and sometimes videos are taken to monitor changes.

On the day of the treatment, the area will be cleansed with antiseptic and the targeted areas marked out. The area may be injected with local anaesthetic using a needle or cannula. A small incision will be made with a small needle. A subcision cannula or subcision needle such as the Nokor needle is inserted and the targeted tissue adhesions detethered from underneath the skin. The procedure itself usually takes no more than 15 to 30 minutes. The treated area is then cleaned again with an antiseptic and dressed.


Depending on the type, location, extent and healing of the scar, the results can be variable. Often Dr Zoya will use subcision as part of a combination treatment protocol. Some people can get dramatic results with subcision alone, others require a multi-modal approach which is most often the case.

Results can take several weeks to appreciate. There will be some swelling on the day.

Results are considered to be permanent in the treated scar area as long as re-adhesions do not form as part of the healing process.

Sometimes more than 1 session is required if only subcision is being employed. This would be reassessed at approximately the 6-8 week mark.


No alcohol 48hrs prior or ibuprofen, aspirin or steroids. If you are on any long-term necessary blood thinning medications please ensure your physician knows in advance.

Please stop any topical actives, acids or medicated creams at least 48hrs prior to the procedure.

Clients must ensure the area being treated is hair-free/shaved prior to the treatment day.


  • Roaccutane within previous 6 months
  • Active acne
  • Allergies or adverse reactions to local anaesthesia – procedure can be attempted without anaesthesia in some cases


Blood thinning medications

Pregnancy or breast-feeding

It is your responsibility to ensure you disclose all medications, prescription and over the counter, herbal or recreational drugs in advance in our pre-treatment medical questionnaire.

Side Effects:

Swelling can occur usually due to the local anaesthetic but can be as part of the body’s response to the needle and cannula being inserted. This usually settles

Pain and bruising is possible. Rarely a large bruise called a haematoma can form.  If a bruise forms, it can take up to 2 weeks to resolve.

As holes are being made in the skin, there is always a risk of introducing infection.

Rarely, the adhesions can reform as the area heals causing little to no improvement in the scar or the body may heal with more adhesions causing a worsening of the scar. This or complete failure of the procedure however is extremely rare.

Entry points can rarely heal with scarring if you are very prone to this or they may heal with hypo or hyperpigmentation.

Rarely, in the detethering process, local nerves can be damaged which can effect sensation and/or motor movements of the local muscles.

A full list of risks and possible side effects will be discussed with your doctor and can be found on the patient information document.

Please contact us on 0121 616 6023 or email if you wish to receive a copy of this ahead of booking any appointments with us.


Do not touch the area for at least 4 hours and for at least 5 days after, be gentle whilst touching the area ie) do not aggressively wash or scrub the area. Gentle cleansing only.

If the area is covered or dressed, do not take the dressing off for 24 hours and keep it dry and clean.

No hot showers/steam rooms/jacuzzi/saunas or strenuous exercise for 48hrs

No alcohol, ibuprofen or aspirin or any blood thinning medication for 48hrs – please ensure you disclose all medications prescription and over the counter, herbal or recreational in advance


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